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Friday 17 February 2012

Iran Prepared against Enemy’s Military, Cyber War: Defense Minister

Iran said Saturday that it designed several models of high power and precise drones and prepared itself to confront all the threats posed by US and Israel on various levels.
ISNA quoted Iranian Defense Minister Brigadier General Ahmad Vahidi as saying that "the Iranian armed forces have managed to make progress in designing unmanned crafts. Iran has designed drones with high power, preciseness and detection capabilities and the drones are being developed inside the country."
“Threats on aggression against the Iranian border by the US and Zionist regime is rooted in the weakness of international organizations which were created and controlled by them," he added.
Vahidi further tackled the US and Zionist cyber warfare against Iran, clarifying that "the enemy has employed cyber attack against us since many years ago. It has sought insertion of some viruses into our services, but the Islamic Republic has always acted strongly and deactivated the viruses."
"The Islamic Republic has prepared itself to confront all threats posed by the enemy. It has examined all domains of cyber and electronic warfare and it has gained considerable capabilities in confronting soft war and electronic warfare," the Iranian Defense Minister added.

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