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Some Useful Motorola Mobile Code

 Use to lock/unlock the mobile keys 
*7                          Use to lock/unlock the mobile keys 
19980722              Work as "Master key" to unlock the Motorola sets 
*#06#                    To display the IMEI Number of the mobile 
*#403#                  Press keys to get information about mobile manufacturing
*#301#                  Use to test the functions of the keys 
*#303#                  Use to reset default language to English  
*#300#                  Use to display the mobile software/hardware version 
*#311                    Use to reset the default code of mobile 
*#402#                  Use to regulate the mobile display strength/intensity    
*#304#                  Press keys to OFF the engineering mode 
*#304*19980722#   Press keys to ON the engineering mode 
*#0000#                Use to reset Motorola mobile default language 
1234                     Default Motorola mobile code 
32*279*1*0*8         Use to verify the mobile model 
#PROGRAM#        Use to change the default banner of mobile 
##33284                Use to run mobile in Debug mode 
#02#*                    Use to display the mobile software version                                       
*#42253646633#  Use to enable COM port  
*#987*99#       Use to restore the Motorola factory settings 
#32#                     Reset the mobile timers 
###119#1#            Use to make active the EFR mode for mobile   
###119#0#            Use to make deactivate the EFR mode for mobile

*#06# IMEI
in permament test mode
(* hold 2 sec)
***113*1*[OK] net monitor
T205/T19x (ACER)
motorola logos
*#300# OK List the Software and Hardware version
*#301#­ OK ­ Full Keypads functional Test
*#303# OK Set Default Language to English
*#304# OK Set OFF engineering mode
#304*19980722# OK Set ON engineering mode
*#305# OK Location: 1 OK
*#307# OK Engineering Test Mode
*#311# OK Phone code changed to default code
*#400# OK ADC, Cal val*
*#402# OK Adjust Display Intensity / Contrast
*#403# OK List the Manufacturing Informations
19980722 OK Master Unlock code for Phone and Sim Lock
*#302# OK Acoustic test*
7.1 Greeting
7.2 Main VlmGain
7.3 Input Cal
7.4 Output Cal
7.5 Side In Gain
7.6 Vox Gain
7.7 Min Mic Engy 7.8 More
(a) In Vlm Gain
(b) Aux Vlm Gain
(c) Silence Prd
(d) Supp Prd
(e) In Volume
(f) Out Volume
(g) Icon
(h) Image
(i) Animation
*3370# EFR ON (enhanced full rate)
#3370# ERF OFF
*#72837726# OK Confirm ?, Data saver
1234 OK Phone code default
*#0000# OK Setting saved, restore set phone do default language
*#0048# OK Fast change polish langpack
*#0007# OK Fast change russian langpack
*#06# and quick 'menu-key' and 048263* (Push the key quickly!)
and entering at field "OPTCODE" you must try several times.
If not working try with MOTO TEST CARD inserted.
Security code - 32*118*1*0*0
Model - 32*279*1*0*8
Flex ver - 32*383*1*0*0
Master Reset - 18*0
Master Clear - 18*1
Set band GSM 900 - 10*0*3
Set band DCS 1800 - 10*0*4
Set band PCS 1900 - 10*0*5
Set dual band GSM 900/1800 - 10*0*6
Read band - 10*1*0 => 3-GSM, 4-DCS, 5-PCS, 6-GSM/DCS
User code - 32*116*1*0*0 /coded:00310032003300340000 - 1234/
Read imei - 32*4*1*0*0 "OK" /coded:083a05092700247709 - 350907200427799/
47*4*1*0*9*081A32547698103254 => IMEI=123456789012345
it is possible to change phone's IMEI

Use this code at your own risk "solution for all technology" do not recommend usage of any of these code. These are published just for information sharing. 

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